Data Management

Streamline your data management with our customizable, lightweight CMS — designed for construction professionals to easily handle all your data needs like projects, employees, and subcontractors.

Custom Fields

Your Data, Your Way with Custom Fields

Our lightweight CMS empowers construction professionals to define unlimited custom fields, allowing you to track and organize your data in a way that best suits your business needs. Whether you need to manage projects, employees, or subcontractors, our system provides the flexibility to create fields specific to your workflow.

This means you can easily capture and access the information that matters most to you, ensuring your operations run smoothly and efficiently.

Import + Forms

Easily Import and Capture Unlimited Data

With our CMS, you can quickly import your own data records or capture new information using custom intake forms. Import a CVS file or use our easy-to-use automatically generated intake forms to capture and manage data on the fly for your projects, employees, and subcontractors.

Example: A company reaches out, wanting to start a new partnership and bid on future projects. Simple! Just send them a link to a form, capture their details, and automatically send them future work by sorting your data and sharing a project.

Stay Organized

Automatically Generate and Store Essential Documents

Our CMS seamlessly integrates all your data records with your document templates to automatically create required documents with the appropriate information including tag and tracking required signatures.

Example: You've paid a subcontractor and require a signed Lien Waiver. It's easy! Just select the subcontractor's record, choose "Lien Waiver," answer a few form questions, and the document is generated and automatically sent out for signing through DocLogic Sign.

Once completed, these documents are stored in the subcontractor record, ensuring everything is organized and easily accessible. Say goodbye to manual paperwork and hello to efficient, streamlined document management.

See how DocLogic can transform the way you work — saving you time and money.

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